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If you’re in the maritime industry, you’re likely to be familiar with the term “琼斯法案》”. 也被称为1920年的商船法案, 琼斯法案 是保障海员权利的重要立法吗. The primary aim of the Act is to support and protect the American maritime industry, 但它也对海事工作者产生了深远的影响, 尤其是当他们在工作中受伤的时候.


以参议员韦斯利·琼斯命名, 琼斯法案 was passed to encourage the growth and independence of the American maritime industry. 它的诞生是出于保护美国利益的需要.S. 航运业受到外国竞争者的威胁. 鼓励美国企业, 该法案规定只有美国制造的, 拥有, 有船员的船只可以在美国和美国之间运输货物和乘客.S. 港口.


琼斯法案旨在保护海事工人, but the application of its protections is not quite as straightforward as it may seem. 它适用于“海员”,” but the term itself is open to interpretation and has been subject to numerous court decisions.

传统上, 海员被认为是船员中的一员, 这可能包括从船长到甲板水手的所有人. 然而, the legal definition of a seaman 根据琼斯法案 extends to any worker who spends a significant amount of their time — often interpreted as at least 30% — in the service of a vessel on navigable waters.

This definition includes a variety of professions beyond the traditional ship’s crew. 例如, 在渔船上工作的人, 拖船, 驳船, 江轮赌场, 游轮, 《365bet平台》涵盖的范围更广. 并不是船只决定了覆盖范围, 而是工人与船只及其操作的关系.

One important distinction is that the worker must contribute to the function of the vessel or the accomplishment of its mission. Whether they’re a cook preparing meals for the crew or a diver carrying out underwater repairs to the ship, 只要他们的角色对船舶的工作有贡献, 根据《365bet平台》,他们可被视为海员.

It’s worth noting that even workers who split their time between sea and land may be covered, 这取决于他们的工作有多少是海上性质的. 然而, 对谁有资格成为海员的解释可能因情况而异, which is why it’s vital for maritime workers to consult with an experienced maritime attorney if they’ve been injured on the job.


《365bet平台》最重要的一个方面是关于 受伤海员寻求赔偿 来自他们的雇主. 不像以土地为基础的工人补偿制度, 琼斯法案 permits seamen to file personal injury lawsuits directly against their employers.

Under 琼斯法案, seamen are entitled to compensation for a variety of damages. 这些可能包括过去和未来与受伤有关的医疗费用, 过去和未来的工资损失, 丧失赚钱能力, 痛苦和折磨. 在某些情况下, 受伤的工人也有权要求惩罚性赔偿, though these are less common and generally reserved for cases involving egregious misconduct by the employer.

Injured workers who file a claim 根据琼斯法案 may also be entitled to “maintenance and cure” benefits, 与过失索赔中判定的任何损害赔偿金分开. “生活费”是指船员在康复期间的日常生活津贴, while “cure” covers medical expenses related to the injury until maximum medical improvement is reached.

It’s important to understand that while 琼斯法案 provides the opportunity for substantial compensation, these cases can be complex and require the injured party to prove that their injury resulted from their employer’s negligence or the unseaworthiness of the vessel. 由于这些复杂性, 以及潜在的高风险, injured seamen are advised to seek the guidance of a lawyer experienced in 琼斯法案》 cases.


海上工作很艰苦,事故时有发生. 然而, 当它们发生时, 琼斯法案介入, extending its protective arm to shield workers from bearing the burdens of workplace mishaps.

One of the greatest impacts of 琼斯法案 is the protection it provides to seafarers. It allows seamen who have been injured in the course of their work to file suits against their employers or vessel owners for negligence. 这给了海上工人陆上工人通常没有的权利. 在正常情况下, 雇员不能因工伤而起诉雇主, but 琼斯法案 changes the rules of the game for those in the maritime industry.

此外,它扩展了的定义 航运业的过失. Unlike traditional negligence claims that require a significant level of fault to be proven, 根据琼斯法案, an injured seaman only needs to show that the employer’s negligence played some part, 然而小, 在他们受伤的时候. 这个概念被称为“轻量级因果关系”,” and it dramatically alters the landscape of legal responsibility in maritime injury cases.

《365bet平台》还规定了维持和治疗福利. These provisions require the employer to pay for an injured seaman’s 医疗 related to their injury until they have recovered as fully as possible, 并在此期间提供每日津贴. This is an obligation that applies regardless of who was at fault for the accident.

The 琼斯法案》 provides a lifeline to maritime workers who are injured on the job. 它提供了经济救济, 医疗, 还有一条通往正义的道路, 确保他们不会独自面对工伤的后果. 没有琼斯法案, injured seamen would be left with fewer options and could face significant hardship in the wake of an accident. This crucial piece of legislation levels the playing field and provides maritime workers with the support and protections they deserve.

How 肖邦律师事务所 Can Assist Injured Maritime Workers Covered by 琼斯法案

The 琼斯法案》 plays a significant role in protecting the rights of maritime workers, and understanding these rights is crucial for any seaman who has suffered an injury on the job. 在肖邦律师事务所, we’re dedicated to helping injured maritime workers navigate the complexities of 琼斯法案 and other 海事法律.

我们经验丰富的团队知道每个案例都是独一无二的, 我们致力于提供个性化的服务, 为客户提供全面的指导. 我们可以帮助您了解您在琼斯法案下的资格, 讨论你的选择, 建立一个有力的案件来确保你应得的赔偿.

根据《365bet平台》提出索赔的过程可能具有挑战性, particularly when you’re dealing with the physical and emotional stress of an injury. 我们的团队可以承担这个负担, 处理你案子的方方面面, 从收集证据到证明疏忽或不适航, 为最好的结果而谈判或诉讼.

在肖邦律师事务所, we believe that every maritime worker deserves quality legal representation. 不管你是甲板水手, 一个工程师, 或者是船长, 如果你在工作中受伤, we’re here to fight for your rights and help you secure the compensation you deserve 根据琼斯法案.


The 琼斯法案》 isn’t just a piece of maritime legislation; it’s a lifeline for maritime workers who face inherent risks in their line of work. It’s a testament to the importance of workers’ rights in the maritime industry and serves as a pillar of support for seamen when they need it most.

Understanding the protections provided by 琼斯法案 is crucial for those in the industry, 尤其是那些面临受伤风险的人. 但请记住,你不必独自在这些复杂的水域中航行. 肖邦律师事务所 是来确保你不会在事故发生后独自照顾自己的吗. 凭借我们的经验和承诺, 我们的目标是警惕地保护你的权利, 维护你的利益, 不知疲倦地工作,争取你应得的补偿.

If you have been injured, contact the maritime attorneys at 肖邦律师事务所 today!